martes, 3 de mayo de 2011

R: The lord changes when he meets the miss right…

C: How do I suppose that I have to know that?

R: You don’t know... not straight away, but just feels warm and comfortable, and you hang it then give it chance before that you like… and then, yes this is it, must be love.

L: I don’t agree… I think you know it immediately. You know, as soon as your eyes… then, everything happens from then on just proves that you have been right in that first moment when you suddenly realize you haven’t been complete and now you are whole.

pd: lo acabo de hacer sin oído izquierdo ya que lleva 1 semana en huelga por resfriado pero si alguien que haya visto al película tiene algo que corregir, por favor que lo haga cuanto antes!

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